Thursday, 2 May 2013

OUGD406 - Design Practice Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Throughout this module I seem to have developed a lot of new skills. I have become more confident in using InDesign as well as Illustrator, I feel as though the workshops we had were very helpful as I hadn't used InDesign prior to them. Our communication is a virus brief allowed me to develop my skills within group work, I found it challenging working as a group a lot of the time, especially when not everyone turned up to college to get involved with the work that needed doing. However, I was able to overcome this and learn how to deal with it by assigning jobs to people and making sure that I did as best as I could with the work I had to do myself. I have developed my drawing skills even further and feel more confident applying illustrations to my work, giving my work an added personal touch. I also feel as though I have developed my research skills in terms of always being aware of the briefs I have set and constantly looking out for anything which I find inspiring to me.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

When designing throughout this module I have been able to value the importance of making prototypes in time for crits as well as having a lot of design sheets and thumbnails to show so that my feedback is as valuable as possible. This has helped me with the design development process as I have been able to show a long journey of progress throughout my work, with clear indications of where decisions have been made and have, as a result, changed the way in which I approach a brief.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I have been aware of my choice of typography within my work and have been able to explore and identify the stronger fonts to use. I feel that this has enabled me to personalise my work a bit more, allowing it to be recognised as my own by other people. I also feel as though I have been able to help the first year group feel welcome when they start in September as I know how daunting the first day is. I hope that I have been able to create something which is useful and memorable to them. I have also applied colour to my InDesign brief which is quite a bit commitment for me, as I am used to working in monochrome.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I feel as though there is always more that can be done with a brief, but there is also a point when you have to stop and make sure that the work you have produced is as polished as possible and designed to the best possible standard in the given time. I probably would develop my speaking from experience brief even more if I had the time, and I would like to propose to the first years that they should make a Facebook page or a blog whereby they can share their recipes. I was going to create one myself, but thought that this would be a good way for them to interact with each other and also get to understand how Blogger works. Therefore, when presenting my work I shall propose this idea to them.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
  • I will develop my skills on InDesign to ensure that I can create a higher level of design work
  • I will continue to read relevant books to help me further my knowledge
  • I will constantly look out for new inspiring blogs to help me with my work
  • I will develop my type skills and consider which fonts I should use for certain pieces of work in order to make them closely representative to the subject matter
  • I will push myself even harder to try and improve upon my overall end result in terms of quality of print and how creative my results are

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