Throughout this module I have realised the importance of keeping up to date with blogging. I have also developed my reflection skills, and now value how important it is to constantly think about the work I am producing, to ensure that I am on track and always considering my future and aspirations. I feel as though these evaluation skills have allowed me to develop considerably as an individual. It has made it clear to me just how much personal life can have on professional practice. Throughout the whole year I have developed my software skills considerably and as a result I was able to produce my final product successfully to fulfill the 'It's up to you' brief. I hope I have effectively applied the skills I have acquired and demonstrated this through the boxes I created. Through being aware of design studios and designers I have been able to blog relevant imagery which links closely to me, therefore allowing me to build a collection of useful sources.
What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I have demonstrated my packaging skills when completing my brief for PPP. I feel as though I have been able to apply skills I have learnt in Illustrator as well as InDesign to produce the end product. As a result I have been able to work more efficiently, as I was only ever able to use Photoshop prior to starting the course.
I think in the future I need to experiment further with design production and use a wider variety of mediums, possibly ink and paint to see whether I enjoy it. This way I won't look back and wish I had tried more things.
I think in the future I need to experiment further with design production and use a wider variety of mediums, possibly ink and paint to see whether I enjoy it. This way I won't look back and wish I had tried more things.
My evaluation skills and annotation has improved considerably throughout the year, with constant blogging and reflection. This has enabled me to realise where I have progressed and where there is room for improvement. I will certainly continue to capitalise on this in the future, and also hope to develop even more personal blogs within PPP to help organise my thoughts which will in turn give me an indication into which direction to take in terms of a specialism. Currently I feel as though packaging is what I would like to pursue, however this is likely to change dramatically in the second and third year.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I feel as though throughout the year I could possibly reflect on my work even more than I do. I could maybe give myself a target to have a reflection post once a week, regarding how I am feeling towards my future and the work I am producing. I think this would be extremely beneficial to me and it would act as a diary almost, documenting all of my relevant thoughts.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- I will look for more design studios which inspire me
- I will look for local design studios who inspire me and could be possibilites for placement
- I will reflect each week on my progress and development
- I will constantly consider the future and what I want to achieve from my degree
- I will create more personal posts to give me even more guidance for my future, which will also give me more to look back on in the third year to see how I have changed or possibly stayed the same
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