Sunday, 7 October 2012

OUGD403 - Alphabet Soup: Group crit and evaluation

Group Crit

Today we presented our work to the groups we were assigned to. Once we had done that we were asked to select our strongest five designs and put them up on the wall.

As a group we were then asked to rotate around the room and sit infront of a different set of letters. We then had to eliminate each letter one by one until we were left with a collection of five letters which we felt were the strongest designs. Then we were able to feedback to the rest of the class what we liked about each one and why we had chosen them.

Below is an image of our chosen five.

Here are the five letters which were chosen out of our groups' work.

I found this group crit very beneficial as it was interesting to hear opinions from other students about what they felt were the strengths and weaknesses of other people's work. This helps to broaden our knowledge as a group and will help us to improve in the future when we are set more briefs. The discussions worked well as everyone respected each other and carried out the exercise in a mature way, ensuring that nobody felt offended if their work wasn't chosen. 


When designing my ten letters I found it quite challenging to try and create something which represented 'pop' without it looking unprofessional. I decided to design them quite literally to make them easily recognisable. I had many thought processes along the way and my ideas changed quite a lot throughout my development. I am fairly pleased however with the outcome of my work but after doing our crit review I felt as though I could have improved my work a lot. Whether this is because I felt that there were much stronger examples I'm not too sure but it is hard to determine the reason as everyone has a different style of work and we shouldn't really compare because everyone thinks differently and works in different ways. To create my letters I collected images and eventually came up with a continual theme which I would portray running throughout all examples. I think if I was to redo this work I would maybe try not to create a sequential set of letters but rather design each one individually to make it more appealing and interesting to look at. Despite this, I do feel that my work represented the word successfully and I did spent a lot of time on the thought behind the concept which is why I don't feel disappointed that my letters weren't chosen during the studio exercise.

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