20th October
Today we all received an email from Tom Pollard. The college has been contacted to find out whether there is anybody interested in some part time design work. I thought it would be worth replying to so I decided that I would find out more information.
My response is as follows:
21st October
Today I received a response from Clive, who asked whether I would be able to meet him today. So I decided to go along and discuss the project in more depth.
We had a meeting in the Smoothie Company. He showed me all of his cards that he sells in many shops in Leeds. He used to work for Hallmark and I instantly thought this would be a great opportunity for me, so I decided to email him later on that day to let him know. Funnily enough, he had stationed himself there to meet various students and choose the person he felt was most appropriate for the job.
He had said in the meeting that he wouldn't be able to afford much, but no figures were actually discussed at the time.
I received the following email in response, up until now I feel quite positive, but there is a part of me which isn't 100% sure about taking on the work.
22nd October
Today I responded to the email with a variety of questions that I wanted to clear up before starting the job in hand.
23rd October
I wanted a full day and hadn't heard anything from Clive which I thought was a little bit strange. Then today I received a response:
30th October
I spoke to John about the whole situation and explained about the pay and how I feel as though I could probably do this myself without the backing of Clive, which is why I feel so unsure about the whole thing. John gave me some advice and told me that I should email Clive with the following:
(John also asked how bothered I would be if I didn't get the work due to the client disagreeing with my suggestions, and I said I wasn't bothered at all, I am more concerned about being treated properly as a graphic designer who is close to graduating and could charge a lot more than he is willing to pay. I am not willing to produce designs for him which will not be fairly rewarded.)
3rd November
Today I received a response from Clive who said that he would have to turn down my offer. I felt a sense of relief as soon as I read the email and this is how I knew I had done the right thing. I went and told John straight away and he said he was really pleased that I had handled the situation with such professionalism. This has definitely been a learning curve for me and something I will look back on as a valuable experience when I graduate.